
Climax For Christmas

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Give Yourself An Orgasm For Christmas – What can you give yourself every single day of the year that is free, healthy and good for you at the same time? An orgasm, of course! Many of us are overly stressed at this time of year with the holidays and demands that are placed on us. Office parties with command performances at, family stresses and entertaining demands. It can all just be too much. The stress release of an orgasm is a very important one and one that doesn’t take more than a few minutes, but will make us feel a lot better and more relaxed. I’m not saying to whip it out at the mall during a break from your Christmas shopping, but a good way to start or end your day, depending on your preference for time of day orgasms.


Wrap Yourself Up – If you are lucky enough to have a real life lover, be playful and tie up your naughty bits with ribbons or in some other way in a festive manner. Give them a laugh as well as yourself. Being playful and sexy is also a way to show your significant other you can have fun and invite intimacy at the same time. Many will appreciate your efforts and reward you with some special attention that you crave. You need not be as obvious as placing mistletoe in the waistband of your underwear or anything quite so in your face, but be creative and sexy Christmas colored lingerie is always a good idea as well in emerald green or fire engine red.


All I Want For Christmas Is You – For many of us that are alone, Christmas and the holidays sadly enhances that and makes us feel even more miserable than other days of the year. For ones with no one else, online chat rooms can provide a welcome place for the the ones with perhaps no friends and family. For many, their online friends are all they have. They might be shy, or a social misfit in some way, and connecting with others online may be their only social life. Sounds sad in a way, but for some it is the way life has turned out, so their online connections to others is it for them. Their entire social network. Happy holidays everyone. We here at climaxconnection hope all our members have a safe and happy and orgasm filled holiday season.

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