
Tag: lonely

Why Don’t You Love Me Anymore?

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sexless marriage, no sex, lonely, sexually deprived

How Did This Happen? – What do you if you find yourself in a sexless relationship? No one ever goes into a relationship hoping there is no sex involved. Here we’re going to talk about what you do if you find yourself in such a situation. It’s not uncommon and you very well may find yourself in a situation like this. Try to identify why you’re not having sex. Did your spouse just give birth or go through a traumatic event? If so, they may simply not be in the mood to have sex.

sexless marriage, no sex, lonely, sexually deprived

The Long Road Back – It’s going to be a matter of time before things get back to normal. A traumatic event may also include infidelity. It can be difficult for your partner get the cheating out of their mind. It’s one of the many prices a person ends up paying for being unfaithful. Your partner may be having health problems they haven’t talked about. Men are notorious for keeping health concerns close to the vest. If your man doesn’t want to have sex, he might be having problems getting it up. The reason why you’re not having fun in the sack may be cured by a simple visit to the doctor.

sexless marriage, no sex, lonely, sexually deprived

Do You Feel Ok? – Keep an eye on your partner’s health and it may answer the question as to why you’re not having sex. Your relationship may be in need of some work. Usually there are other problems in a relationship when sex stops happening. These problems can ruin a relationship and lead to a divorce or breakup. If you value the relationship you’re in, then you’ve got to do something about this. You’ll want to talk to a marriage councilor and work out your problems. Many people think this is something bad and should be avoided. The worst thing is living in a sexless relationship where other problems also exist. The sex life of a couple is like the canary in a coal mine. The canary will be whistling and enjoying life as long as everything is good. The second things turn bad, then it’s down hill from here.

sexless marriage, no sex, lonely, sexually deprived

Can This Be Fixed? – Identify the reason why you’re not having sex and immediately do something about it. If there’s been a traumatic event, then wait it out. Things will more than likely improve as time goes on. If it’s something other than trauma, nip it in the bud and fix your problem. Your relationship is far too valuable to sit around and do nothing.

Climax For Christmas

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Give Yourself An Orgasm For Christmas – What can you give yourself every single day of the year that is free, healthy and good for you at the same time? An orgasm, of course! Many of us are overly stressed at this time of year with the holidays and demands that are placed on us. Office parties with command performances at, family stresses and entertaining demands. It can all just be too much. The stress release of an orgasm is a very important one and one that doesn’t take more than a few minutes, but will make us feel a lot better and more relaxed. I’m not saying to whip it out at the mall during a break from your Christmas shopping, but a good way to start or end your day, depending on your preference for time of day orgasms.


Wrap Yourself Up – If you are lucky enough to have a real life lover, be playful and tie up your naughty bits with ribbons or in some other way in a festive manner. Give them a laugh as well as yourself. Being playful and sexy is also a way to show your significant other you can have fun and invite intimacy at the same time. Many will appreciate your efforts and reward you with some special attention that you crave. You need not be as obvious as placing mistletoe in the waistband of your underwear or anything quite so in your face, but be creative and sexy Christmas colored lingerie is always a good idea as well in emerald green or fire engine red.


All I Want For Christmas Is You – For many of us that are alone, Christmas and the holidays sadly enhances that and makes us feel even more miserable than other days of the year. For ones with no one else, online chat rooms can provide a welcome place for the the ones with perhaps no friends and family. For many, their online friends are all they have. They might be shy, or a social misfit in some way, and connecting with others online may be their only social life. Sounds sad in a way, but for some it is the way life has turned out, so their online connections to others is it for them. Their entire social network. Happy holidays everyone. We here at climaxconnection hope all our members have a safe and happy and orgasm filled holiday season.

Happy New Year’s!

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Online Friends – What sorts of people visit adult chat rooms on holidays such as Christmas and New Year’s Eve? Ones that may not have lots of plans with friends and family, or ones that have had enough of holiday social responsibilities. Many people that visit chat rooms are not just there because they are horny and looking for some sort of sexual action. They look at their chat room of choice to be their online hang out of sorts. The day of the year matters not. There is usually the same core group of people there pretty well everyday for some part of the day or the other.


Companionship For The Lonely – For some people that work at home, like myself, they can often have the chat room window open in the background on their computer screen and check on it from time to time. I recall years ago the first chat room I used to frequent some must have thought me a masturbation addict as I’d have it open over 16 hours a day! I was there to look for fun yes, but also had my computer on every waking minute for business, so that was just one of the many tabs I had open on a constant basis. But not everyone works from home or even considers ones that do, so they think you have nothing better to do, but people have many different reasons for being in them so frequently that are regulars.

Talk To Me – I was surprised some that visit adult chat rooms are not all there waiting for private messages, some do not even wish to be messaged privately and are only there for the group experience of chatting in the main room. Many people may not have large circles of friends in their everyday lives and the chat rooms provide the interaction and social time they need to feel a part of things. Some may have disabilities, or be very shy, or no way to get out if they don’t drive etc. and it can be a very good thing for them to be able to communicate with others they otherwise would not have the opportunity to interact with. Adult chat rooms serve different purposes for different people. They make the world a bit less lonely for many individuals.