
Looking Good For Your Lover

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This is a guest blog submission by Climax Connection member, Random Writer.


Looky Here – A wandering eye isn’t always a bad thing. Take advantage of your partner’s wandering eye by asking some key questions. What is it that attracts their eye? The most common answer is going to be someone that’s good looking. But, ask them to be specific. Are they attracted to outfits or body shapes? What you’re trying to do is be more appealing to your partner.Yes, you knew there was something sneaky going on. The goal is to make yourself look more appealing in the process.


Take Some Pride In Your Appearance – Give your partner something to stare at and their wandering eye may just be a thing of the past. But, let’s be honest here for a second. Everyone looks and it’s not going to stop anytime soon. What you’re trying to do is improve your relationship by understanding what your partner likes. If you noticed we’re being fairly gender neutral here. The reason for that is, both men and women look. It’s done by both genders and there’s no need to deny it. Ask your partner to go with you when you’re buying sexy outfits. Sure, they’re not going to want to go with you when buying sweatpants. That’s why you’re going to want to make sure they know what the shopping trip is for. Any guy out there, or girl for that matter, will enjoy watching their partner try on some sexy clothes. You can even make a little show out of it for your partner.


Don’t Get Jealous – Always remember that a wandering eye isn’t always a bad thing. It tells that your partner is still interested and chances are that’ll translate into being focused on you. All you have to do is get them to focus that energy on you and not someone that’s passing by.

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