
Author: Climax Connection

Hello everyone, I hope you enjoy the blog. I am the owner of and wanted a site where people could chat online and find phone sex, cam sex and cyber sex partners, as well as have lively, fun forums and a place to post our original erotic short stories and audios. I truly felt a quality site was desperately needed and I wanted to be the one to create it. I am an online chatter myself and love phone sex and was disappointed with sites I found and how they were run and maintained. I have worked in adult entertainment since 2008 using my voice and writing for several adult websites. I hope we all find someone to connect with here at!

Sexual Health Benefits

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Sex For Your Health – We all love sex, even if it’s by ourselves, because it feels good. It feels good physically and emotionally. For ones that have tried phone sex, you know exactly what I am talking about. Masturbating alone is a physical release yes, one of my phone guys calls it a “utility orgasm”. Gets the job done, you have the release and can then get on with your day. No emotional satisfaction at all though. Try masturbating with another person and you go from black and white to technicolor that fast. You soon realize alone just doesn’t cut it anymore.


Clean Out The Pipes – Sex has very real health benefits. Yes, everyone goes on about safer sex and condoms and birth control, but over and above those concerns, sex does have genuine health benefits. Men especially can benefit from prostate health if they have the recommended 21 + orgasms a month. Keeps the pipes clean so to speak and has real benefits of future reduced risk of prostate cancer. So if teenage guys get caught by mom masturbating, they should simply state without embarrassment, “It’s for my health!” Getting your blood pumping from sexual activity is a form of  cardio vascular exercise. I can’t think of any way I’d rather get out of breath! Sex relieves stress.

“The difference between sex and love is that sex relieves tension and love causes it.”
― Woody Allen


Get That Heart Rate Up – It burns calories, reduces blood pressure, strengthens pelvic floor muscles, releases feel good chemicals like oxytocin, boosts self esteem, and even increases pain tolerance. And we all sleep better without a doubt after a nice orgasm (or more!) There’s a lot to be said for orgasms and having sex, even just masturbation. With all these proven benefits, it’s a wonder so many societies are so sex negative or sweep sex under the rug. I can’t even count how many people I have talked to that got zero education about sex at home when they were growing up from their parents. You’d think people would want to help their kids become future good lovers and grow up without hang ups, and teach them there is no need for embarrassment. That it’s as natural to be horny as it is to be thirsty or tired. Sadly that’s not reality. So let’s embrace the health benefits and pleasures that sexual activity has to offer.

Chatters Unite

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Adult Chat – Finding the right adult chat site for yourself can be an arduous process for sure. I well know the frustrations in such an endeavor, it’s honestly what drove me to create this entire site. I was on different ones for years at a time and quite frankly grew tired of glitchy software and not even being able to get in at all to my old favorite sites chat. Ones visit chat rooms for many reasons. To simply unwind, to relax, to hear amusing stories.


Find Masturbation Partners – Personally, loving phone sex as much as I do, I look at chat rooms as a place to find phone sex partners. Others are fans of cyber sex and webcam sex and need to find sites to find partners on and chat rooms are the perfect place to find them. Yes you can always peruse profile pages and message the one you are interested in, but I’ve found chat rooms a much faster way to find someone and hook up with them if that’s your goal. See who’s in the chat, look at their profile page and then message them and see if you are a match for what each other are looking for.

ErChat-iconotic Chat – Many chat sites do not even have organized by interest rooms, they just have one room with hundreds of disorganized people in it and not even any profile pages to look at, so until you are chatting with that person, you don’t even know their age, location or any idea what they are into, it’s a convoluted waste of time to say the very least. A well organized chat site will have several chat rooms for ones of similar interests to find each other in and also allow them to create their own rooms and be in different rooms at the same time, so they can check out the action in the ones they are interested in at the same time. Do check out our chat rooms here to chat away in, or look for naughty partners in. Who knows, you just may get lucky!

Risky, Bareback Sex

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I’m Ovulating – Many people that enjoy phone sex and cyber sex enjoy incorporating an element of role play into their conversations. One role play that seems to have a number of fans, especially men, is impregnation and breast milk fetish, they don’t always go together, but many times they do. I’ve spoken to guys that liked one or the other but not always both and some that did like the combination. The combination of the better feeling of bareback sex and the risk of chancing getting pregnant is a heady combination to some, even ones who do not actually wish to get pregnant, or get someone pregnant in real life.

DNA Concept. Only one piece will fit in the right place

Breed Me – The breast milk fetish is also an appeal for many, though not all impregnation aficionados. It surprised me when I learned so many men are into this, since my first thought is guys would want to do everything possible to avoid getting a woman pregnant, and yet they love to fantasize about it. I think many young men have never had sex without a condom on and the idea of finally being able to do it without one and have it feel so much better is what perhaps fuels this fantasy popular with so many of their role play fantasies.


Give Me Your Seed – Lots of guys are into breasts, and the thought of those breasts also being filled with milk, nourishing and nurturing, swollen and so appealing, that gets some rock hard. Taking their young, potent seed inside your fertile womb and giving them a baby made from your love together, your unprotected, steamysex.

Online Friends

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online friends
Online Friends – What do they actually mean to us? I have pondered this many times since my online life began and I started making “friends” online. I shudder to think some treat people in their actual life as they do others online. Yes, there are some decent people out there in cyberspace, not a doubt. I have been lucky enough to meet many.


Fuck You And Block – There are unfortunately also the “keyboard warriors” out there who look at the anonymity of their computer as a license to be rude, aggressive and downright cruel since there are no repercussions for their words and actions. In real life it would be nice to hit “ignore”, “block” etc. When someone is annoying us, if one online annoys us, we can simply do this. Not everyone is this way though, and there are some truly nice people you can meet online.


Chat With Me – Some online friends I have chatted with literally for years and I enjoy chatting with them, some have grown to be more than online friends and become online lovers, they are in a category all their own, those are the ones we have cyber sex, web cam and phone sex with. Some of them also can hang around for years, others are like ships passing in the night, you enjoy your little tango and then you will likely never hear from them again. People in real life obviously do this as well for a one night stand, I myself wouldn’t want that, I like the continuing relationships and find them much more fulfilling, but many are just looking for a quick fuck for sure. Hopefully here at climaxconnection you too can meet some people that will become online friends you can chat with and have fun with.

The Next Best Thing

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clone a willy
I Need Your Cock – Does your boyfriend or husband go away a lot on business? Or do you have a long distance relationship with someone? Or maybe you play with with someone regularly online but will never get to meet them, but fantasize about their cock and how it would feel to have it inside of you since you’ll likely never get the real thing from them.

Man Masturbating #1

Take Masturbation To The Next Level – A kit like this is the perfect idea for you for all of those scenarios. You can get your man to make a clone of his own cock for you to enjoy in his absence. Imagine feeling the exact replica of their cock inside of you when they themselves are thousands of miles away! No generic store brand dildo for you, you can have their exact cock shape inside of you as you masturbate, perhaps while talking to them on the phone. What a hot phone sex date that would be, using their “cock” inside of you as you played together on cam or on the phone.


Sex Toys For Your Pussy – Online sex shops have thousands of different products featured on them, sure you can choose from tons of dildos out there, but wouldn’t one made from the guy you desire so much mean more than just any old toy? It would for sure, the thought of having the cock inside of you of your online lover you will never have for real is very exciting indeed. If you have thought of this, ask your online lover if they would considering making a duplicate of their cock for you to enjoy. I bet they will.