
Tag: sex

Sexual Health Benefits

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Sex For Your Health – We all love sex, even if it’s by ourselves, because it feels good. It feels good physically and emotionally. For ones that have tried phone sex, you know exactly what I am talking about. Masturbating alone is a physical release yes, one of my phone guys calls it a “utility orgasm”. Gets the job done, you have the release and can then get on with your day. No emotional satisfaction at all though. Try masturbating with another person and you go from black and white to technicolor that fast. You soon realize alone just doesn’t cut it anymore.


Clean Out The Pipes – Sex has very real health benefits. Yes, everyone goes on about safer sex and condoms and birth control, but over and above those concerns, sex does have genuine health benefits. Men especially can benefit from prostate health if they have the recommended 21 + orgasms a month. Keeps the pipes clean so to speak and has real benefits of future reduced risk of prostate cancer. So if teenage guys get caught by mom masturbating, they should simply state without embarrassment, “It’s for my health!” Getting your blood pumping from sexual activity is a form of  cardio vascular exercise. I can’t think of any way I’d rather get out of breath! Sex relieves stress.

“The difference between sex and love is that sex relieves tension and love causes it.”
― Woody Allen


Get That Heart Rate Up – It burns calories, reduces blood pressure, strengthens pelvic floor muscles, releases feel good chemicals like oxytocin, boosts self esteem, and even increases pain tolerance. And we all sleep better without a doubt after a nice orgasm (or more!) There’s a lot to be said for orgasms and having sex, even just masturbation. With all these proven benefits, it’s a wonder so many societies are so sex negative or sweep sex under the rug. I can’t even count how many people I have talked to that got zero education about sex at home when they were growing up from their parents. You’d think people would want to help their kids become future good lovers and grow up without hang ups, and teach them there is no need for embarrassment. That it’s as natural to be horny as it is to be thirsty or tired. Sadly that’s not reality. So let’s embrace the health benefits and pleasures that sexual activity has to offer.

Sex Toys For Pleasure

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sex toys

Toys For Girls & Boys – Sex toys are a growing trend all over, for single people and couples alike. Most women have a few vibrators in their bedside tables these days to enhance their masturbation experience, and men are also getting on the bandwagon and getting themselves everything from Fleshlight’s to Pocket Pussies. For many, fingers and hands are great, but just don’t provide as much variety as they would like for their solo masturbation experience.

purple vibe

Spice Things Up – A few guys I have talked to love their pocket pussies so much and say they feel so good, they can only last a mere few moments once they insert their cock into them the feeling is so exquisite. There are literally thousands of sex toys available for every conceivable sexual activity out there, from spanking paddles and whips for ones into BDSM, to sex dolls for the really lonely ones out there. Things like flavored lubricants, chocolate body paints and lickable honey dust that is applied with little feather applicators make things fun for you and your partner. They spice things up a little from the everyday.


Ban Boring Sex – Some will enjoy their vibes alone in peace, others have loftier goals of getting their partners to try every thing from strap ons to sex swings. The items do provide a different sensation than a hand could, no on has a vibrating hand now, do they? Some get very bored with the same thing every time, no matter how good it is and toys allow you to explore different sensations and add some variety to your sexual routine. Massage oils and candles can also set the perfect mood for trying all these fun sex accessories.