
Tag: self pleasure

Let’s Masturbate And Have Some Fun!

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National Masturbation Month – I’m sure most of us masturbate every single month, many every singe day, but May is National Masturbation Month. It was started in 1995 by a sex toy store in San Francisco to celebrate masturbation because at the time the US Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders was let go because she felt kids in school should be taught masturbation was an important part of sexuality as well. Apparently it was just too radical an idea.


Times Are Changing – Luckily some governments are moving forward, and for the last few years the UK and another European country actually have active campaigns to encourage the nations youth to masturbate to cut down on teen pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases and enhance pleasure for ones without partners. Many don’t know in the late 1800’s doctors preached so on the evils of self abuse, they came up with “libido deadening foods” like Corn Flakes and Graham crackers to supposedly take away the sex drive and lessen the chances ones would masturbate. Hard to believe, but 100% true.

MasturbationMonth3No Shame In Self Love – Now no one’s suggesting you whip it out on a mall bench and have at it just because it’s an ok thing to do, it has its time and place. Masturbation is a normal activity most of us engage in and enjoy. It’s free, it’s safe, no risk of disease, is pleasurable and a stress reliever. When you find someone on a site like this to join you and have cyber sex, cam sex or phone sex with it kicks it up to a whole new level, once you try it with someone, alone no longer cuts it. So enjoy some self love today!