
Tag: objects

Did You Do That?!

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Up Yours – If there’s one thing I sadly hear about it’s guys putting things up their ass that they shouldn’t be. There are obviously toys designed for such a purpose, but many are afraid to use them or own them for fear of anyone finding them. So they use candles, cucumbers, apples, carrots. The shame many guys feel at desiring anal stimulation is very common because of the prostate so many men find pleasurable to have stimulated.


Anal Explorations – Men as a rule seem more curious about ass play than women, I just don’t hear about them doing the same sorts of things men do. People end up in the hospital every day seeking medical attention for sex play gone awry. I recall a story I read online about a preacher that had to seek medical attention because he had a potato stuck up his backside. When he went to the ER to get help the doctor asked what he had a potato lodged up there, to which he replied he’d been hanging curtains in the nude and fell backwards onto the kitchen table where some potatoes were sitting that hadn’t yet been put away.


Backdoor Stimulation – Now if anyone would believe that outlandish tale, I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn I can sell you…The fact is many guys fear liking something up their ass which usually stimulates the prostate which is supposed to give similar sensations to the lady’s G spot, many think it makes them gay and they are uncomfortable with this notion, so they keep it quiet from their partners and don’t share these things. It’s usually easier to keep quiet than deal with unwanted embarrassment.