
Tag: noise

How Loud Do You Like It?

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The Call Of The Wild – Noisy sex can be good from some and terrifying from others. Women are no doubt much more vocal overall than most men. I say most, because some guys can sound downright terrifying, as in they can let out these murderous roars that sound like they are about to meet their maker. Others are so dead quiet, you have no idea if they’ve cum or not. People’s sounds do indeed run the gamut from silent to scary.


Rattle The Window Panes – Biologically speaking, there is a purpose to such noises, especially from the fairer sex. In cave man days when a woman was loud during her sexual encounters, it in fact alerted other villagers, or cave dwellers as the case may be, that there was a female not only ready for action, but already engaging in some, and it was basically a cry of alertment for others to come have a go at her. Like a cat in heat basically, calling all the neighborhood toms. Yes, you can be quiet if you have to, but it’s so much more natural to just let go and be yourself. I tell you, after a good phone date, my throat is sore usually from all my cries of passion!


Wake The Neighbors – It also usually acts as a trigger for the man to orgasm as soon as he hears the woman start hers, again Mother Nature in all her wisdom did this. Some studies have shown the chance of conception is a bit higher if a woman orgasms, since the uterine contractions can sort of “suck up the sperm” making it more likely, so if the woman starts said contractions seconds before her partner ejaculates, the chances are higher of pregnancy. Many things in nature have wonderful and interesting reasons behind them. So the next time your partner is rattling the window panes with their shrieks of passion, enjoy it, and be glad the men of the neighborhood aren’t outside your door awaiting their turn!

Oh Oh, What Have I Done?!

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What’s That Smell – I was reading some of the forums of a popular dating site recently and saw a humorous and embarrassing thread about ones that have, er, passed gas shall we say at inopportune romantic moments. It seems funny to some, but seems to have scarred others for life due to the embarrassment factor. Oh the tales I read…And there are many sites online that mention such horrible instances of women crying at the humiliation of such a thing happening, even though it’s an accident they can’t help.


Fart Fetish – I’d say no one does it on purpose, but not only is there a fart fetish of ones that actually enjoy a puff of gas in the face, there’s some that have actually done it on purpose to try and end an encounter not going well. Wow, that’s pretty bad. Cruel and unusual punishment! For ones without the fart fetish, it must prove a horrifying situation. In long term sexual relationships it’s much less of a drama causing situation, but with a new partner it could indeed be an incident of worry as to whether they may have turned off the new partner to such a degree they may not be able to face them again.


Gas In Your Ass – Needless to say it seems much more traumatic for both parties if it’s the woman that this happens to. They are more easily embarrassed, and men are less forgiving of these sorts of things in women. Sure they might laugh if their buddies let one rip, but in a lady? Ohhhh, not very lady like. Or else they might make fun and make their ladies embarrassment even worse. Try and be a gentleman if it happens and let it – excuse the phrase – blow over. Some sexual positions create an internal pressure that makes such incidents more possible, or if you’re relaxing enough to orgasm, such relaxing can also make it more probable. Some types of yoga have the same effect and ones have mentioned in yoga classes it happens. Try and avoid gassy foods before a planned romantic evening, and just pray you have an understanding partner if the worst “comes to pass”.