
Tag: no sex

Sex Life On Hold

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on hold, no sex, masturbation

Love On Hold – There are times when you and your partner aren’t going to have sex. Prolonged periods of no sex can be expected during pregnancy. Your guy may have to undergo a surgery that prevents him from working his boner. There’s a thousand reasons why you and the person you love may not be having any fun in the sack. How do you cope with these times? They’re going to happen. You’re no different than anyone else.

on hold, no sex, masturbation

Cool It, Buddy – The first thing you need to do is be supportive of your partner. You’re not in the relationship just for sex. If you are, then that’s a big problem. A bigger problem than what can be addressed in this article. You have to keep in mind the reason you’re not having sex. It’s not because your partner doesn’t want to get it on. They’re just not capable of doing it. There has to be a level of understanding on a human level in order to make a relationship work. This is a test of that understanding. What can you do during these times of no action? You can dip your genitals in ice water. That may do the trick for a little while. If that doesn’t sound appealing, then you’ll have to masturbate. If that sounds like the end of the world, then it’s time to give up sex cold turkey for awhile. There’s no choice in the matter. You’ll probably rub one out before deciding to go cold turkey.

There’s Always Masturbation – Few people have the will power to not take matters into their own hands. The last thing you want to do in a situation like this is to cheat on your partner. They’re already going through enough as it is. Why make the situation even more difficult for them? Sometimes life is about more than just your needs. You’ve got to sacrifice yourself to make success on any level happen. Stick with your partner and help them get through this difficult time. They’ll certainly repay you with a terrific time in the hay.

Why Don’t You Love Me Anymore?

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sexless marriage, no sex, lonely, sexually deprived

How Did This Happen? – What do you if you find yourself in a sexless relationship? No one ever goes into a relationship hoping there is no sex involved. Here we’re going to talk about what you do if you find yourself in such a situation. It’s not uncommon and you very well may find yourself in a situation like this. Try to identify why you’re not having sex. Did your spouse just give birth or go through a traumatic event? If so, they may simply not be in the mood to have sex.

sexless marriage, no sex, lonely, sexually deprived

The Long Road Back – It’s going to be a matter of time before things get back to normal. A traumatic event may also include infidelity. It can be difficult for your partner get the cheating out of their mind. It’s one of the many prices a person ends up paying for being unfaithful. Your partner may be having health problems they haven’t talked about. Men are notorious for keeping health concerns close to the vest. If your man doesn’t want to have sex, he might be having problems getting it up. The reason why you’re not having fun in the sack may be cured by a simple visit to the doctor.

sexless marriage, no sex, lonely, sexually deprived

Do You Feel Ok? – Keep an eye on your partner’s health and it may answer the question as to why you’re not having sex. Your relationship may be in need of some work. Usually there are other problems in a relationship when sex stops happening. These problems can ruin a relationship and lead to a divorce or breakup. If you value the relationship you’re in, then you’ve got to do something about this. You’ll want to talk to a marriage councilor and work out your problems. Many people think this is something bad and should be avoided. The worst thing is living in a sexless relationship where other problems also exist. The sex life of a couple is like the canary in a coal mine. The canary will be whistling and enjoying life as long as everything is good. The second things turn bad, then it’s down hill from here.

sexless marriage, no sex, lonely, sexually deprived

Can This Be Fixed? – Identify the reason why you’re not having sex and immediately do something about it. If there’s been a traumatic event, then wait it out. Things will more than likely improve as time goes on. If it’s something other than trauma, nip it in the bud and fix your problem. Your relationship is far too valuable to sit around and do nothing.