
Tag: cyber sex

Don’t Be Shy, Ladies!

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Shy Girls – One thing that constantly perplexes me is guys telling me girls are too shy to have phone sex. They can have cyber sex until their clits are numb, but try to get some on the phone and they won’t do it. Some will conclude they are guys and this is why they won’t take the next leap. I won’t go on cam, yet chat by voice with anyone, even non sexual talks, yet unless you will go on cam, some guys will also say you are a man, at which point I mention my audios, but they are so convinced you’re a man unless you go on cam, they won’t even bother listening to an audio to hear your voice.

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Be Brave – So many guys seem to have a sense of entitlement to seeing your pics, seeing you on cam, it’s ridiculous. If someone asks for pics, it personally makes me more reluctant to share. Don’t ask and I will share, ask and I’m put off. It’s that sense of them thinking they deserve to be granted some sort of special access they haven’t been invited to yet, annoys the hell out of me. Back to the topic at hand though, personally I don’t get why a girl is reluctant to phone. Ones not wanting to give their phone number can either get Google voice, if they are in the US, or use Yahoo or Skype or our own chat rooms that have audio.


Don’t Hide Your Light Under A Bushel – I say ones reluctant to have phone sex haven’t had good phone sex, because I can promise you once you do, it’s your favorite addiction and hobby. You don’t have to show yourself to them, it’s private, there’s nothing like being listened to as you cum and breathe heavy for someone else, it’s so sexy you’d never be shy once you experienced it and shared that orgasm with another interested party. Ladies, you are missing out, do not let another week go by without experiencing what masturbation can truly be like if you share it with someone. It’s a magical experience.

Take The Time To Masturbate This Holiday Season

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Sexy Christmas – Christmas can be a very romantic and fun and flirty time for couples. Sex underneath the Christmas tree, booze and eggnog flowing and an overall happy spirit. Sexy lingerie with naughty Christmas themes, all kinds of playful possibilities. With our online friends we won’t really be spending time with in person, maybe some naughty pics in said Christmas lingerie might make a naughty email bring a smile to someone’s face, and erection to their cock though!


If you can happen to steal away time together over the holidays for some phone sex or webcam or cybering fun, so much the better, though with many people’s even more hectic that usual schedules, it might prove troublesome. People are often hard to co ordinate their time under the best of circumstances, over the holidays it proves even more difficult with family commitments, and command performance office parties and the like.


I recall once for a year I kept track of how many times I masturbated by making a little heart in the squares of the calendar of the days I played on and added them up at the end of the year and December did indeed have the fewest, was just so busy doing stuff, hardly masturbated all month. So do take some time to masturbate this holiday season, stresses are running high and a few orgasms can do wonders fro your state of mind and release of physical tensions. And if so inclined to send naughty holiday themed pics, I’m sure they’d be welcomed by your online fun partners.

Cyber Sex Fans

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Type Sexy To Me – Many people that visit adult chat sites such as this one are very much into and looking for cyber sex. Lots of people that enjoy reading and writing like to carry that talent over into their sexual outlets as well and many times that includes cyber sex . Reading arousing words for many is well, arousing, but getting to see them pop up before your very eyes from someone you are very much attracted to is sexually charged and makes you very horny if that is an interest of yours.


Enhance Your Masturbation – Some people are fast typers and this makes it more enjoyable, since slow typers may lose the interest of the one they are typing to. I can’t imagine trying to type one handed as I masturbate with the other, but for some they seem to enjoy it obviously. If you’re into this, perhaps you can find someone to play with in our chat rooms, we do have a room just for cyber sex aficionado’s. Find a partner to exchange sexy scenarios and role plays with and cum until your balls are drained and your pussy is numb from cumming so much.


Sizzling Cyber Sex – Lots of times authors of the erotic short stories we have here are also into cyber sex, being the lovers of words and painting pictures with their descriptive abilities. Not all authors are into cyber sex, this is true, but you will have to see if you can find someone and see how much they can arouse you with their words. A way into a woman’s panties is through her ears, or in the case of cyber sex, her eyes, since she will be reading the words your write to her. Love letters have always been around, so the power of words has always been with us, just not communicated instantly, imagine a love letter written in pen and ink that would take weeks or even months to arrive? And now words are transmitted across the globe nearly instantly, it’s a very different world we live in nowadays.

Rev Up Your Imagination

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Erotic Shosexystoriesrt Stories – Sexy stories can rev up the imagination and sex drives of many. Erotic fiction has been around a lot longer than porn and ones have been using it for masturbation enhancement for thousands of years. The written word has been around for a long time, not so for photographs or moving pictures required for porn. The written words can paint quite an arousing and graphic picture to feed your erotic imagination.


Written Erotica – Sexy stories sites are very much dependent on users to submit their original works. A community of people that enjoy reading and writing is crucial to a site that has a stories section. Not everyone is suited to write, and by the same token some that write themselves do not always read the works of others. Some prefer just to write and know their creations are being enjoyed by others. Many use the sexy stories to get even hornier before they indulge in either masturbation alone, or before looking to find ones to have phone sex, cam sex or cyber sex with.


Once Upon A Time – Many that enjoy sexy stories are also into cyber sex. The written word is a powerful thing. Some books have been banned because of that power. Stories and the written word live on much longer than the ones that wrote them. It’s an amazing thing when you think of it. That ones can read the words and feel the feeling an author recorded hundreds of years ago. Now ones submitting stories here at Climax Connection are not using old stories, but it’s always nice to share with others your thoughts, fantasies and ideas for others to ponder.

Hung Like A Mouse

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Short Dick Man – If there’s one thing adult chat rooms will attract, among other things and types of people, it’s guys with small cocks. Now, it’s not really their fault mind you, we both know they’d give every cent they own if they could just wake up with a normal sized cock, but alas, that’s not meant to be. Many times these unfortunate cases know they cannot get a real life woman, so they seek obtainable online fun with ones that will never see what a poor excuse their manhood really is.


How Small Is It – It doesn’t really matter if it’s 2 inches long for cyber sex, does it now…No. Some are even under the delusion that they do indeed have a big cock, when in fact it’s far below average size. One messaged me not too long ago and even had the screen name to state he had a big cock and when I asked the size he was so boastful of, was told 4 inches. Uh, OK…..You do realize 5.5-6 inches erect is average for North American males? He wouldn’t believe it. He should have gone to Asia, where he would indeed be average sized. The poor Asian ladies don’t know what they’re missing, I guess. An entire continent of tiny dicked men. I wonder what the sales of dildos are in such countries for the deprived ladies to at least help themselves out? I do not have any stats on that.


Is That A Clit Or A Cock – To look at average cock sizes around the world maps is amusing, there are literally maps with small countries and large countries all color coded. But I digress, many of these men come to online chat sites because they know they can either send a girl fake pics of their “big cock”, or just avoid it altogether with cyber or phone sex so the other person doesn’t see what they are dealing with. Honestly, I don’t need to see, I don’t want to know the cock sizes of the ones I have phone sex with. I will never be seeing it or touching it, so it really doesn’t matter, but I have been told by many guys some girls DO care and do want to see what their online partners have size wise. Let’s just lose ourselves in the fantasy people, let’s not get all caught up in the facts, this is for fun, not for judgments.