
Tag: abuse

Abusive Online Relationships

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Be Strong And Say Goodbye – Long distance relationships today are more common than they were because of the internet. People can meet online that a couple of decades a go would never have met, but online chat rooms and websites bring people together that otherwise would never find each other. One thing that is sadly common in real life relationships is abuse, and you may think how can an online relationship be abusive? Yet it’s more common than you’d think. Abuse can happen in cyber and phone sex relationships as well. Some people we connect with online can be like a drug to us, we know they are bad for us, yet they are so seductive and we are drawn to them like a moth to a flame. There is an intensity to more extreme people that can be abusive and that intensity can be like a hit of heroin we can’t stay away from. Some of the sex can without a doubt be the hottest and most intense in an abusive situation, there’s a love/hate combo going on that  can make for very hot times.


Don’t Let Them Back In – It’s a lot easier to brush someone off online, after all, many times all we have is an email address or an online chat ID, maybe if phone sex was involved, a phone number. You can easily block a person’s ID so they can’t contact you, but if they are determined enough, they can create a new ID in a few minutes. Some people will keep going back at you to the point of harassment. What happens though when one person, the more trusting and kinder of the two, allows that person back in time after time, no matter how badly they may have been treated? You’d think how can they let themselves get sucked in time after time to the same ill treatment? Some of us are sadly gluttons for punishment indeed, and if we would tolerate that sort of behavior in real life, we likely would online as well.


You Deserve Better – Willpower is something you need to allow yourself to break free from an abusive online relationship. You always want to believe them, that they have changed, that they will no longer treat you badly, but the sad fact is, they do not want to change and that’s the hard part to accept. When you have seen how nice and sexy and sweet someone can appear and then you see their true colors, it can be hard to accept that the one we had feelings for, “the nice them”, doesn’t really exist and isn’t coming back. That is the mask they showed us at the beginning to suck us in with, not the true them, which is what we learn they really are. Predators aren’t always rapists or murderers, they can be people online that truly don’t care anything about you that seek to use you, harass you and make you feel bad, it’s nothing but a game to them. They are likely cowards who don’t have anyone in real life so find easy prey online they can manipulate for their own entertainment.