
Tag: watching porn

Porn Discovery

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porn, watching porn, visual arousal,
Why Are They Watching? – What should you do if you discover your partner has been looking at pornography? Don’t think this is a question just women have. Women are increasingly turning to porn to satisfy their need for arousal. There are many reasons for this and none of them are the point of this article. Most people, men or women, turn to porn due to a lack of sex. That’s the reason why porn exists in a nutshell.

porn, watching porn, visual arousal
Are They Turned On? – Should you freak out if you find out that your partner looks at porn? Maybe break a vase or two in the process? Relax, don’t get upset. Instead, investigate what they’re looking at. Ask them what type of porn they’re watching. You may even want to try watching it with them. Does your partner seem more aroused during certain sex acts than others? If so, ask if they’d like you to do that to them. Use this as a learning opportunity to discover why you’re partner is looking at porn. If you’re not having enough sex, then that’s more than likely the reason. It could also be that the sex you are having isn’t fulfilling their needs. Remember, you’re not fooling around in the sack just to pass the time. The goal should always be to fulfill the others needs. If this is done, the result will more than likely be a reduction in porn viewing. Even some highly sexually active people still look at porn.

porn, watching porn, visual arousal

Relax – Masturbation for some people is a stress reliever. They play with themselves as a means of getting rid of whatever stress has been bottling up. This can be healthy depending on how often a person masturbates. If masturbation is getting in the way of day to day life, then it’s a signal something else entirely is wrong. That’s a topic for a whole different article.