
Tag: orgasm

Make Her Cum

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orgasm, female orgasm, pleasure, pleasing a woman

Are You Up To The Task? – This is an article for all of you guys out there. Sure, maybe a lesbian or two will benefit from this as well. However, a lesbian should understand the power of the female orgasm. Men don’t. Most claim they do. They really have no idea how important it is to make a woman cum. That’s just the truth. It’s a sad truth. Orgasms aren’t just for men. This is something every guy needs to get through their thick skull.

orgasm, female orgasm, pleasure, pleasing a woman

Make Her Cum As If Your Life Depends On It – Should you make your woman have an orgasm each time you have sex with her? Yes. Most definitely you should. Why would you even think twice about it? Sure, sometimes couples just have quickies and making her cum isn’t a priority then. If you’re having lots of quickies, then your sex life sucks. It has to suck really bad. Who wants to hurry and rush something as good as sex? The best way for a guy to make sure he gets laid often is by making sure his woman enjoys sex. She’ll enjoy it a whole lot more if she has an orgasm. This is just a fact. A woman who knows she’ll have an orgasm is someone who’s more than likely going to put out. Don’t believe these words. Just try it and see.

orgasm, female orgasm, pleasure, pleasing a woman

Become An Orgasm Donor – Give your woman an orgasm each time you have sex with her. See how much more sex you end up having. The benefits will speak for themselves. It can be very difficult to bring some women to the point of orgasm. It’s your job to learn how to do it. Each woman is slightly different. Your best bet is to get it out of the way before sex starts. Make her cum during foreplay. That way you can enjoy the rest of the time. She won’t say a single thing when it comes time for you to get off. You’ll even be able to take your time and enjoy it all.

If You Don’t Stop It, You’ll Go Blind

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blind, orgasm, eyes

Should You Be Worried? – Based on this article, an man went to the hospital because he went blind during a sexual encounter. Apparently, it seems that reaching the climax burst a blood vessel in his eyes and impaired his vision. It’s hard to identify whether the vision loss is permanent, but the reality is that there are some signs which appear before such an issue happens.

blind, orgasm, eyes

Going Blind For Pleasure – Basically, you can feel a pressure buildup in your eyes when you are close to the orgasm. The man in question felt the issue in the morning, maybe he was way too excited with the orgasm and he didn’t really feel anything due to the adrenaline rush.

blind, orgasm, eyes

I Can’t See – Should you be worried that this may happen to you? The simple fact that this appears in the news it’s a sign that issues like this don’t really happen that often. Sure, there is a possibility that it can happen to any man. But the reality is that it all comes down to the pressure of your thrusts, how fit you are, any genetic diseases and so on. Sure, these things can appear out of nowhere, but that doesn’t mean you will have a problem like this at any time. Yes, it can appear for sure, but you shouldn’t worry too much. Yet if you feel anything going wrong or too much pressure building up in your eyes, it’s important to stop as fast as possible, as you don’t want to deal with any issues like that!

Excitement in Orgasms part 3 of 3

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This is a guest blog submission by Climax Connection member, eric60red.


Shoot That Load – The average male ejaculates 3 to 5 ml of semen at a time. Semen contains sperm as well as secretions produced by the seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and Cowper’s glands. In a healthy fertile male, each one ml of ejaculate contains an average of 50 to 100 million sperm. Although this may seem like a very large number, sperm actually account for only 5% of the overall ejaculate volume. As a male ages or if he ejaculates repeatedly with only a short duration between ejaculations, the semen volume may be reduced. A “dry” orgasm occurs when there is no ejaculation. These “dry” orgasms are common in prepubescent boys and can also occur in some men who have prostate disease, certain neurological impairments, or spinal cord injuries.


Rub My Clit – Orgasm in women involves rhythmic contractions of the uterus and the muscles that surround the vagina. Women normally experience 3 to 10 very strong contractions that occur at 0.8-second intervals. These initial contractions may be followed by 3 to 6 slower and weaker contractions. Some women also release a small gush of fluid. Many women find it necessary to have direct stimulation of the clitoris in order to have an orgasm. For this reason, many women can reach orgasm much easier and faster through masturbation than through intercourse. Orgasm intensity and its associated feelings can both vary greatly. Sometimes a person experiences an orgasm that makes them feel like their entire body is going to explode, while at other times they might just experience a pleasant feeling of muscle relaxation. Influencing factors include a person’s mood, psychological state, level of desire, relation to partner, drug or alcohol use, expectations, physical condition, and time since the last orgasm.

Man Masturbating #1

Resolution Stage – After orgasm in the male, there is usually a complete loss of the erection within a few minutes. During this resolution stage the entire body returns to an unaroused state. Most men experience a refractory period, during which no type of stimulation is able to bring about another erection. The length of the refractory period can vary dramatically between men; age, mood, drug use, and stimulation type can all be factors. The typical refractory period for a male in his teens or 20s is just a few minutes, whereas in the older male it may be a few hours or even a day.


Multiple Orgasms – Women do not display a refractory period and are therefore capable of experiencing multiple orgasms. However, a recent laboratory study did document a case of a male who was able to have multiple ejaculatory orgasms without any refractory period between them.

Now all this tells us what happens inside our bodies, and lead me to another question, “How do we make an orgasm happen?” Perhaps a subject for another blog?

Excitement in Orgasms part 2 of 3

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This is a guest blog submission by Climax Connection member, eric60red.


It’s All Very Arousing – Sexual responses may be either psychogenic or reflexogenic in nature. When erection occurs as the result of direct physical stimulation, it is known as a reflexogenic erection. When an erection results from erotic thoughts or viewing erotic material, it is known as a psychogenic erection. Sexual arousal in the female may also be either psychogenic or reflexogenic in nature and is typically associated with an increase in vaginal lubrication.


Excitement Stage – In the male, direct genital stimulation usually causes an erection within a few seconds. An erection is the result of an increase in blood flow to the penile blood vessels and tissue. In addition to erection, the excitement stage in the male is characterized by the testicles being pulled closer to the body and a tensing and thickening of the skin of the scrotum. The muscles of the body also begin to tense up, and the heart rate, breathing rate, and blood pressure begin to increase. Some males may also experience nipple erection and a reddening of the skin of their face, chest, and neck during the excitement phase. The reddening of the skin, which is similar in appearance to a measles rash, is known as a sex flush and is usually more predominate in females.


Turn Me On – In the female, the excitement stage of sexual arousal is characterized by the onset of vaginal lubrication, clitoral erection, changes in the size and shape of the labia, nipple erection, and swelling of the breasts. Women also experience the build-up of muscle tension and an increase in the heart rate, breathing rate, and blood pressure.

Plateau Stage – In both the male and female, the plateau stage is associated with further increases in muscle tension, heart rate, breathing rate, and blood pressure, as well as an increase in the intensity of the sex flush. In the male, the glans (head) of the penis turns a deeper red or purplish colour, and a few drops of slippery fluid (often referred to as “pre-cum” or “love drops”) may be released from the urethra. In the female during the plateau phase the labia appear darker in colour, the clitoris retracts, and small glands outside the vaginal opening secrete a mucus-like fluid.

Orgasm Stage – For the male, orgasm almost always includes ejaculation, which occurs in two distinct stages: emission and expulsion. Emission occurs when semen collects in an upper part of the urethra known as the urethral bulb. As more semen collects in the urethral bulb, he develops the feeling he is about to ejaculate. This feeling is known as ejaculatory inevitability and usually lasts for 2 to 3 seconds. This is the “point of no return” — the man cannot be stopped from having the orgasm at this point. Expulsion, the second stage, involves rhythmic contractions of the muscles around the base of the penis and anus. These muscular contractions cause the semen to be propelled down the urethra and out of the body. There are normally 4 to 5 rhythmic contractions that occur at 0.8-second intervals, with the first ones being the strongest and most intense. During orgasm in both males and females the heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate all reach peak levels. Both males and females also release a hormone known as oxytocin from their posterior pituitary glands. This hormone is believed to help strengthen the pelvic-muscle contractions associated with orgasm.

Excitement in Orgasms part 1 of 3

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This is a guest blog submission by Climax Connection member, eric60red.


Make Me Cum – I think that we all agree that an orgasm is one of the most pleasurable sensations known to humans. For many individuals the ultimate goal of a sexual experience, whether it is alone or with a partner, is to have an orgasm. Although orgasms are the main part of many sexual experiences, what are the mechanisms that control orgasmic responses? My curiosity has led to me to try and find some answer. Like an orgasm the subject is very intense, I hope you find the results interesting.


The Big “O” – The word “orgasm” came from the Greek word orgasmos, which means “to swell” or “to be lustful.” There is no one universally accepted definition for orgasm, and we don’t know why humans evolved the capability to have orgasms. All the animal world have a built in desire to reproduce, which results in their seed being planted, we know that female dogs and cats have a period when they “come on heat,” It’s their reproduction cycle,


Bird Do It Bees Do It – This also applies to the bigger cats, etc, and even elephants and whales. In human males and females, an orgasm brings about numerous physiological and neurochemical changes in the body. The intense feelings of pleasure associated with orgasm are the result of the release of built-up neuromuscular tension known as myotonia, where as in an animal it is a means to an end. In humans it is an extreme sensation like no other that seems to make us want the experience over and over again, why? Is our built in desire to reproduce?


It’s All Very Natural – During orgasm the feelings experienced by both males and females are very similar. A few years ago, based on direct laboratory observation of more than 10,000 episodes of sexual activity in over 600 men and women, two sexuality-research pioneers, William Masters and Virginia Johnson, came to the conclusion that the human sexual response cycle consists of four distinct stages. These four stages are excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution.


Reaching Orgasm – The orgasmic stage is the shortest but most intense of the four. There are striking similarities in the physiological events that occur in both the male and female body during orgasm. Studies have also shown that during orgasm the feelings experienced by both males and females are very similar. One study showed that even “sex experts” could not even reliably distinguish between written accounts of male and female orgasms.