
Tag: monthly exams

Check Those Boobies!

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cupping breasts

Squeeze Those Tits – What guy doesn’t love breasts? Many gals are also into other ladies and can well appreciate a beautiful pair of breasts as well. Keeping those beautiful breasts healthy is in all of our best interest. Many of you know that October is breast cancer awareness month, and we here at ClimaxConnection want all of our members healthy and randy at all times!


Check Your Breasts – So ladies, in case it has slipped your mind recently, maybe give yourself a good going over tonight and make sure everything is normal and lump free. Maybe even make your monthly breast exam a prelude to masturbation, so you associate the one with a pleasurable experience afterwards. Many women enjoy playing with their breasts and nipples during masturbation anyway, so not a bad idea to combine the two.

Your Lovely Lady Lumps – Many partners are also the ones who first detect breast lumps in their sexual partners as they are giving them a good grope and squeeze, lots of guys love a good tit fuck, and handling the breasts in this manner may bring something to their attention that shouldn’t be there. Remember, finding a lump isn’t a death sentence, but please always do get abnormalities checked out by a doctor to be on the safe side. Breasts are a wonderful, integral part of many couples lovemaking, let’s make sure yours stay healthy and lump free. Breast exams are just one part of your health care routine. Men can also get breast cancer, it’s rare yes, but it can happen, so gentlemen, make sure your chest area is normal as well.