
Tag: fabric

Panty Masturbation

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Panty Perverts – Masturbation is a wonderful activity, on that I think we can all agree. Some like variety when they masturbate though and using panties can absolutely kick things up a notch, whether you are a woman or a man. Lots of guys like to collect panties of the women they have slept with and keep as a trophy of sorts, a souvenir, and masturbate with it.


Stolen Panties – After all, what piece of clothing is more intimate than one that’s laid right against a woman’s pussy and might even still be damp with their juices? Panties are hot for many guys to rub their cock right against the crotch of the fabric. I cannot even count how many guys I have talked to that have taken pairs of everyone from their mom’s to their sister’s to the mother in law to the neighbor to the woman that forgot a pair in the bottom of the communal washing machine in the condo, they just want panties. I’d say so many pairs of panties are stolen on a regular basis, it’s a wonder women have many left at all.

Spanties4niff Those Panties – The aroma of a pair of worn panties is intoxicating to many men. The will take some when visiting friends out of the laundry hamper and hope the lady of the house doesn’t miss them and suspect them. They will rummage through drawers and rub out a quick one and leave the panties filled with cum in them, I’ve been shocked when I’ve heard ones say this, I’d certainly notice if a pair of my panties in my drawer were sticky and coated with cum! Panty fetish is one of the most common ones, and many guys are also wearing ladies panties since they love the feel of it against their skin. Panties and masturbating, especially stolen panties, are very popular.